Gateway Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers

Gateway ITE logo in all white


Institute of Transportation Engineers
Transportation Engineering Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (TEAM) Chapter By-Laws

Section 1 – The purpose of the TEAM Chapter is the furtherance of traffic and transportation knowledge among it’s members; stimulation of professional improvement of it’s members; the fostering of closer association between persons with mutual interest in the traffic and transportation field; and the development of cooperation among it’s members for the betterment of traffic and transportation in the metropolitan area.


Section 2.1 -Any Institute member who resides within the city of St. Louis; the Missouri counties of St Louis, St. Charles, Jefferson, and Franklin; and the Illinois counties of Madison, Monroe and St. Clair, hereinafter referred to as the geographic Chapter area, and who is in good standing within the MOVITE or Illinois Sections, shall be a Member of the Chapter upon submission of a membership application and the payment of Chapter dues. Throughout these Bylaws, the term “Resides” refers to the individual’s preferred Institute mailing address, either home or place of business.

Section 2.2 – Any Institute member may join the Chapter without residing within the geographic Chapter area by obtaining approval of the Chapter Executive Board and upon payment of the Chapter dues.

Section 2.3 -Persons residing within geographic Chapter area and who fall into one or more of the following classifications may be affiliated with the Chapter as Chapter Affiliates:

Persons who are accumulating experience toward Institute membership, or
Students in a post-secondary academic program, or
Persons who are professionally engaged in related fields, or
Persons who are in a position to work with and assist transportation and traffic engineers by virtue of official positions or commercial employment.

Section 2.4 – Chapter members who reside within geographic Chapter area shall be entitled to all of the privileges of the Chapter except that student members may not vote or hold elective office. Chapter Affiliates who reside within the geographic Chapter area shall be entitled to all of the privileges of the Chapter except that they may not hold the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer as defined in Article V Section 5.1.  Chapter members and Chapter Affiliates who do not reside within geographic Chapter area shall be entitled to all of the privileges of the Chapter, except that they may not hold elective office.

Section 2.5 – All applications for Chapter Affiliate, except by students, shall include a description of their relationship with transportation as indicated in Section 2.3. All applications for Chapter Affiliates by a student shall be certified by a faculty member at the school attended by the applicant.

Section 2.6 – The Chapter’s Board of Direction, or Board’s delegate, shall process applications for Chapter Affiliate, including securing confidential reports from the applicant’s references as required, and review the application for final action. Election of Chapter Affiliates shall be by vote of the Chapter’s Board of Direction. An affirmative vote by a majority of those attending shall be required for election.

Section 2.7 – Chapter Honorary Affiliate Membership can be granted at the discretion of the Chapter’s Board of Direction for Chapter members and affiliates who are retired and served through the directors positions. Chapter Honorary Affiliate Member shall be entitled to all of the privileges of the Chapter, except that they may not hold elective office.


Section 3.1 -A Chapter Affiliate or Member may resign from the Chapter by written communication to the Chapter Executive Board. If Chapter dues have been paid, the Board shall accept the resignation in good standing.

Section 3.2 – Any Chapter Member or Chapter Affiliate whose dues are more than one year in arrears shall be dropped from Chapter membership by the Chapter Executive Board, and the unpaid dues, but not more than the total of two years dues, shall become an obligation to be paid before the delinquent can be restored to good standing in the Chapter.

Section 3.3 – Any Chapter Member whose Institute membership has been forfeited shall also forfeit membership in the Chapter, and will be reinstated to membership in the Chapter only if reinstated to membership in the Institute. Any Chapter member who is placed on inactive status by the Institute’s Board of Direction shall also be placed on inactive status by the Chapter’s Board of Direction.

Section 3.4 -Any Chapter Affiliate who, by reason of any change in occupation or profession, except by retirement, shall cease to be in contact regularly and frequently with transportation or traffic engineers or the transportation and traffic engineering profession shall forfeit affiliation with the Chapter without prejudice.

Section 3.5 – The Chapter’s Board of Direction shall periodically review the qualifications of Chapter Affiliates. Upon meeting minimum qualifications for Institute membership the Chapter Affiliate shall be encouraged to apply for such membership.

Section 3.6 – Any Chapter Member or Affiliate who advertises, uses, or attempts to use identification with the Chapter in any manner whatsoever with intent to derive personal gain therefrom shall forfeit affiliation with the Chapter.

Section 3.7 – The Chapter’s Board of Direction shall consider the expulsion of any Chapter Affiliate (a) upon information coming to its notice, or (b) upon the written request of five or more members, that, for the cause set forth, a person identified as a Chapter Affiliate be expelled. The Chapter’s Board of Direction shall thereupon follow the procedure set forth in Article II Section 18 of the Institute Constitution. In the event such a charge is brought against a member of or an Affiliate of the Institute, the Chapter’s Board of Direction shall immediately refer the matter to the Institute Board of Direction.


Section 4.1 – There shall be no initiation or entrance fee.

Section 4.2 – The fiscal year of the Chapter shall be from January 1 to December 31 of the same year. A $10 annual due shall be charged on a fiscal year basis for both Chapter members and for Chapter Affiliates. Dues for students may be at a reduced rate determined by the Chapter’s Board of Direction. Chapter Honorary Affiliate Members shall pay no yearly dues to the Chapter.

Section 4.3 – The Chapter shall adopt by-laws setting forth the structure of the Executive Board and providing the manner of nominating, electing, or appointing Elective Officers and Directors of the Chapter and specifying their terms of office.

Section 4.4 – Dues of new Chapter Members and Chapter Affiliates shall be payable upon election. A fifty percent reduction in dues shall be given to those joining during the last six months of the fiscal year.

Section 4.5 – A special assessment may be made on a majority vote of the Chapter’s Board of Direction.

Section 4.6 – All conferences and meetings conducted by the Chapter shall be planned on a financially self-supporting basis. Higher registration fees may be charged those attendees who are neither Chapter Members nor Affiliates.


Section 5.1 – The elective officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director I, Director II, Director III and Director IV.  The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be Chapter Members and thus members of the Institute. Elected officers who are Chapter Affiliate members at the time of their election, and who would incur financial hardship by becoming Institute (and thus Chapter) Members, may have their dues to the Institute and Section paid from Chapter funds for the years that they are Chapter President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, at the discretion of the Chapter’s Board of Direction.

Section 5.2 – Officers are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner that reflects favorably on the Chapter, and shall attend and be active in Chapter functions. Any officer who fails to attend five (5) or more monthly business meetings during the year or two (2) monthly business meetings in succession shall be relieved of their position. The President shall fill the vacancy as specified in accordance with Article VII, Section 7.3 of the By-Laws.


Section 6.1 – The President shall preside at the meetings of the organization and insure that all rules and regulations are strictly observed, appoint and serve as an ex-officio of all committees, decide tie votes, and see that the officers faithfully perform their duties.

Section 6.2 – The Vice-President shall act as an adviser to and assist the President, plan the speaker and arrange other accommodations for the monthly business meetings and in the absence of the President assume his position and duties.

Section 6.3 – The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the organization proper, write and conduct the correspondence. The Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation of all reports due to the Section and the Institute.

Section 6.4 – The Treasurer shall take in all chapter funds and will authorize the payment of all expenses contracted by the Chapter, give monthly reports to the assembly, and exercise authority in financial matters in accordance with such bylaws and resolutions as may be adopted by the membership from time to time. He/she shall supervise the Chapter Administrator in TEAM’s financial matters in order to ensure that he/she keeps an accurate record account of all receipts and expenditures of the organization. At each annual business meeting, the incoming and outgoing Treasurers shall convene a committee of at least three (3) members (including themselves) who will conduct a complete audit of and certify the previous year’s financial records. The treasurer will also conduct a complete audit of and certify the financial records of any special committee established by the executive board for the purpose of hosting TEAM events at the conclusion of the event and before the dissolution of the special committee. The treasurer shall be bonded in such form and amount as may be determined by the Board of Direction, the cost of which shall be borne by the organization. (Revised October 2005)

Section 6.5 – Director I shall coordinate all educational activities that promote the established purpose, ideals and goals of the organization. It shall be his/her responsibility to provide ideas and planning for seminars, educational programs, workshops and site visit tours.

Section 6.6 – Director II shall handle the public relation functions of the organization. It shall be his/her responsibility to keep the membership appraised of all scheduled meetings, events and other news developments with periodic updates in the monthly business meeting notice. The Director II shall establish and supervise processes and procedures to ensure the safeguarding of membership’s personal information. (Revised October 2005)

Section 6.7 – Director III shall promote membership in the Chapter.

Section 6.8 – Director IV shall assist the Vice-President in the performance of his/her duties and work on special projects assigned by the President and/or the Board of Direction.


Section 7.1 – Any officer, upon the consent of the Board of Directors, may succeed himself or herself for additional years of service, provided that the consent of the Board of Directors is renewed for each additional term.

Section 7.2 – The President shall appoint a nominating committee, who, with the assistance of the Secretary, shall notify the voting membership not less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting of the names of at least one candidate for each office. Nomination and election of officers will take place at the business meeting prior to the annual meeting or within sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting. Newly elected officers will assume their duties at the annual meeting. Terms of office for outgoing officers shall expire when newly elected officers assume their duties at the annual meeting.

Section 7.3 – Should any elective office become vacant before the expiration of its term, the President with the approval of the Board of Direction, shall appoint the next ranking officer or Board member to fill said vacancy in ascending order leaving the position of the three year Board member open. This position shall then be filled by an eligible member appointed by the President.


Section 8.1 – The monthly business meeting of the organization shall meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon, except that no meetings shall normally be held in June, July, August and December. The Board of Direction shall meet quarterly, with the annual meeting to be held during the month of December. Other meeting dates shall be set in accordance with the wishes of the membership or the Board of Direction as conditions justify.

Section 8.2 – Monthly business meeting places will be arranged by the Vice-President with the approval of the Board of Direction. The President shall designate the time and meeting place for the quarterly Board of Direction meetings, including the annual meeting.

Section 8.3 – Report of the financial condition of the organization shall be made by the Treasurer to the Board of Direction at its quarterly meetings and to the membership as a whole at monthly business meetings.

Section 8.4 – Committee reports and reports by the President may be made at any meeting at which business of the Chapter is conducted.


Section 9.1 – The government of the organization shall be vested in the Board of Direction.

Section 9.2 – The Board of Direction shall consist of the elective officers and the most recent Past-President who is a member of the Chapter or Affiliate Member of the Chapter.

Section 9.3 – The Board of Direction shall meet at least quarterly. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. The conduct of the Board of Direction meeting shall conform to Robert’s Rules of Order.


Section 10.1.- Proposals to amend the Bylaws may be made by the Board of Direction or by written petition signed by at least five (5) members.

Section 10.2.- The by-laws of the Chapter may be adopted, and amended after adoption, only if the proposition is submitted in writing to all voting members of the Chapter at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date on which action is proposed. Adoption and amendment shall require an affirmative two-thirds vote of those voting. Chapter by-laws shall be filed with the Section Board and the Institute within thirty (30) days after adoption or amendment and shall take effect upon being filed with the Section Board.


Section 11.1 – Chapter Administrator. The board of direction shall annually appoint a Chapter administrator to ensure the operational continuity of the Chapter. This position will provide a link to the past history of events, policies and by-law changes that would affect the board and the membership. The following are specific duties of the Chapter Administrator: 

  • Maintain TEAM’s financial functions (bank account, etc.) based on Board’s direction and approval. He/she shall keep an accurate record account of all receipts and expenditures of the organization and have his/her books open for the inspection of any member.
  • Assist the Treasurer with the preparation of an annual budget and financial reports.
  • Maintain TEAM’s historical records (e.g., memorabilia, paper and electronic files, photographs, and etc.)
  • Maintain TEAM’s promotional materials such as mugs, shirts, brochures, and etc.
  • Order plaques for special TEAM activities (e.g., outgoing presidents).

Section 11.2 – Webmaster – A TEAM webmaster shall be appointed on a yearly basis to maintain the TEAM webpage ( The TEAM website was developed to promote the TEAM membership, as well as to provide the TEAM membership with a past history of events, a reference for TEAM by-laws and governance, information for TEAM events, and a library of relevant transportation resources. The corporate sponsorship program was set up at the site’s inception in order to fund the site and help finance the goals of the chapter. Corporate sponsors are billed annually and for their contribution receive acknowledgement on both the TEAM website as well as TEAM brochure. The following are specific duties of the webmaster:

  • Maintain information on the website, including (but not limited to): 1) TEAM’s Charter and Bylaws, 2) contact information for current executive board members, 3) TEAM’s significant historical documents, 4) information about TEAM meetings and events, 5) membership forms and contact information, and 6) other information useful to TEAM’s membership (e.g., links to other relevant websites and transportation resources).
  • Maintain the website’s hosting service and domain name registration.
  • Maintain the corporate sponsorship program.

Section 11.3 – Student Chapter Liaison – A TEAM student chapter liaison shall be appointed on a yearly basis to promote and encourage student involvement with TEAM, MOVITE, and ITE. Specifically, the Student Chapter Liaison will identify needs of students and student chapters and make them known to the Board of Direction and membership of the organization. Activities of the Student Chapter Liaison could include (but are not limited to):

  • Arrange presentations on student activities to be shared with the membership.
  • Assist connecting graduating students and St. Louis Regional employers.
  • Assist student chapters find speakers for their meetings.

Section 11.4 – Appointment and Management of Positions. Special assistants to the Board of Direction shall be appointed and serve as follows:
(A) The Special Assistants to the Board of Direction shall be appointed by the Executive Board by majority vote at the annual business meeting.
(B) The positions shall be appointed for a three-year term subject to an annual approval of the term’s continuation by majority vote at the annual business meeting and may be extended on a yearly basis after the initial three-year term by mutual agreement of the appointee and by majority vote of the Executive Board at the annual business meeting. Terms of office shall begin in January following the official appointment. In the event of a mid-term vacancy, a successor will be appointed by majority vote of the executive board to complete the term of the outgoing appointee.
(C) Candidates for Chapter Administrator must be an active member in and Past President of TEAM.
(D) The Chapter Administrator shall be bonded in such form and amount as may be determined by the Board of Direction, the cost of which shall be borne by the organization.


Section 12.1 – General
(A) This By-Law covers how TEAM treats personal information that it collects and receives. The overarching goal of this by-law is to protect and safeguard this information for its membership.
(B) TEAM will collect only the personal information (e.g., name, employer, address, phone number, and email address) from its members that is necessary to communicate information to the membership such as (but not limited to) 1) TEAM goals and initiatives, 2) information about TEAM meetings and events, and 3) other information useful to TEAM’s membership.
(C) TEAM will not rent, sell, or share its member’s personal information with any outside companies or organizations unless specified by court order.
(D) TEAM will limit access to personal information only to those members or assistants of the executive board that require this information in order to perform their official duties for the Chapter.
(E) TEAM’s mass communications (e.g., emails) will only be used to communicate official TEAM and ITE business to its members. The authorization to use mass communications to communicate any other information will require a majority vote of the executive board.